Player Resources


"Little Messi"
   Check out the skills on this 6-year-old, this is dedication, passion and DESIRE...the link is courtesy of Coach Paul Paterson....ENJOY!

Best Soccer Skills Vol . 1
    Here is a fun video that showcases MANY individual ball control skills...the link is courtesy of Coach Aubrey Keus...ENJOY!


    This soccer site offers simple drills and exercises kids can do anywhere to improve their basic skills. Players can sign up for a regular newsletter that offers interesting articles on training, advice on playing the game and information on how to become a better player.

    This is a fairly simple site, but contains animated images that demonstrate 15 different trick moves. Young players can watch the move over and over until they learn the move.

    Another good site with video clips of trick moves and fakes kids can use to improve their ability to beat defenders one on one. The clips are short and can be played over and over again. They are a great way for young players to learn the proper technique for some pretty impressive moves.

Sports Writing Tips / Hints
    Have you included all the necessary information on the game you're writing about? Be sure and check out the Sports Writing Hints / Tips publication before you submit your article.


Player Development Model in Ontario  Overview of Player Development from the Club Level to the Provincial Level of play. 

NSA District Program & District Program Information from OSA

A detailed of overview of the NSA District Player Development Program.  Players interested in challenging themselves in this area shall make their Coaches aware of their interest.

Coaches with players interested in trying-out for the District Team shall notify the Director of Coaching & Player Development so that the PSC is aware of PSC players involvement with the District Program.

OSA Regional Program & Provincial Program

Overview of the Regional Player Development Program.

National Training Centre Ontario (NTCO)

 Overview National Training Centre Ontario Program.