The Pelham Soccer Club has been in existence since 1979. In 2004 the Pelham Soccer Club became Incorporatedallowing us to a apply for grants. Over the years the club has grown to its current level of 728 registrants. We are always striving to increase that number. 

We provide soccer to everyone aged 4 years and older. Games are played 6 days per week at 
Harold Black Park,Centennial ParkPelham Arena fields and Glynn A Green

The club does not have a base of operations though we are actively searching for a home. Our Board meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month at Glynn A. Green Public School (Pelham St.) in Fonthill. Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m.

Our Mission
To promote develop and govern the game of soccer for all persons within the Town of Pelham and the surrounding area who are duly registered with the Pelham Soccer Club Inc.